#6513 Devour Enchantment - NPC D - Index Page

Slot 1: Cancel Magic(4)
Slot 2: Cancel Magic(4)
Slot 3: Cancel Magic(4)
Slot 4: Cancel Magic(4)

Mana: 70
Casting Time: 3.5
Recast Time: 5
Fizzle Time: 2.25
Range: 200
Location: Any
Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 5
Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial
Category: Dispell
Source: Live 2005-07-13 13:31:27

Classes: NPC
Duration: Instant

Cast on you: You feel your enchantments being stripped away.
Cast on other: Kalavinka's enchantments are stripped away.

Game description: Consumes the magic from your target. Potentially removing several spells that effect them. This spell only works on Non-Player Characters.

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