#5431 Lost Soul - PC L - Index Page

Slot 1: Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_67_

Mana: 800
Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 16
Recast Time: 2.25
Fizzle Time: 2.25
Location: Any
Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No
Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial
Category: Summon Pet
Source: Live 2005-07-13 13:31:27

Classes: NEC/67
Duration: Instant

Cast on you: A grinning corpse erupts from the ground.
Cast on other: Kalavinka grins as a corpse emerges from the ground.

Game description: Infuses a corpse with a spirit of torment that will do your bidding. Consumes bone chips when cast.

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